Terms of use


Thank you for visiting our website www.oldfisherman.rs (hereinafter: website). Before using our services, please carefully read the following terms and conditions. Every visit to our website means that you have read, understood and agreed to these terms in their entirety. If you do not accept these terms of use without restrictions, please do not use our website. The content on these pages is provided to you by STRIX d.o.o., Zorana Radmilovića 1, Surčin, Belgrade – Surčin, Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: STRIX d.o.o.). The information contained on this website has been collected with the utmost care. Your access to and use of these sites is subject to these terms of Use and the applicable legal regulations governing this area.
The terms of Use apply to all content and services that you can find on the website.

By visiting and using these pages of the site, it is considered that you are familiar with the terms of Use and that you accept them without limitation.

By accepting these terms, you agree to use the content of this Site solely for your own personal use and at your own risk.



The pages on our website are protected by copyright and related rights, trademark law and other related laws. Any unauthorized use of the content, any reproduction, adaptation, translation, archiving and processing in other media, including archiving or processing in electronic media, is subject to copyright protection. Any use, in whole or in part, requires prior written consent from the company STRIX d.o.o.. This means that, unless otherwise stated, all content (text, visual and audio materials) may be viewed, copied, printed or downloaded solely for personal, non-commercial use and for informational purposes, provided that you do not remove, add or modify any information, including copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the content itself.

You may not distribute, copy (except under the terms set out in these terms of use), transfer, exhibit, publish, protect as your intellectual property rights, create derivative works, sell or otherwise use the content without the prior written consent of STRIX d.o.o.. As a condition of your access to and use of this site, you declare under full material and criminal liability that you will not use this site for any purpose prohibited by these terms of use, by law, or in a manner contrary to public morality. It is forbidden to use our websites to post or transmit any threatening, false, misleading, abusive, bullying, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, provocative, pornographic or profane material that violates the applicable legal regulations.

By modifying the text on this page, STRIX d.o.o. may change the terms at any time. You will automatically be bound by the new terms of use contained in the changes and should visit this page from time to time to learn about the terms currently in effect because they are binding on you by law. Certain provisions of these Terms may be overridden by legal acts or the aforementioned legal notices displayed on other pages of our website. STRIX d.o.o. will not be responsible for possible consequences arising from any changes. These changes take effect by posting on these websites.



The collected personal data that you as a natural person leave when placing orders on the online store, STRIX d.o.o. uses exclusively for the record of legally mandatory documents (fiscal invoice, dispatch, order).

The data you leave STRIX d.o.o. passes on to a third party – courier service, all for the purpose of delivering the ordered goods.

The data is not used to send promotions, notifications, etc.without the consent of the user.



The logo of STRIX d. o.o. is owned by STRIX d.o.o.. On the website you can find trademarks and marks of other companies with which STRIX d.o.o. cooperates and whose goods it sells. Any unauthorized use or misuse of logos and marks is expressly prohibited and constitutes a violation of trademark, trademark, other intellectual property laws or unfair competition. You may not use names, logos, trademarks or service marks without the prior written consent of their full owner.



You use the site at your own risk and your own responsibility. STRIX d.o.o., nor any of its affiliated or dependent legal entities, employees or managers, as well as any third party engaged by STRIX d.o.o. in creating, producing and setting up and maintaining the site, they are not responsible for material or intangible, direct, indirect or consequential damage, as well as any other damage arising from the use of or in connection with the use of the site or its content, whether the damage is contract-based, non-contractual and delicate, even despite someone’s notice that the damage may occur and regardless of whether the client has been informed of the possibility of such damage. If, for any reason, the use of materials, information or services from this site results in the need to service equipment, you are responsible for the costs incurred.

STRIX d.o.o. makes great efforts to keep our website safe from viruses, but we cannot guarantee that there is no virus. For this reason, we recommend that you make sure that you are adequately protected from viruses before downloading documents and data. STRIX d.o.o. does not guarantee that no error will occur when using the services offered on the website, nor that these services will always be available.



All content, information, products, materials and services displayed on this site are displayed as is without any warranty of any kind. Whether clearly expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties that it is accurate, tailored to a specific purpose, or does not constitute a violation of regulations or specific rights. STRIX d.o.o. does not guarantee that your use of the content will not constitute a violation of the rights of any third party, that the content will be accurate, complete or up-to-date, nor assumes any responsibility for it.

STRIX d.o.o. strives to be as accurate as possible in product description, image display, display of available stocks and prices. However, it cannot guarantee that all information is complete and free of omissions, both in terms of printing errors, description of characteristics, and prices. STRIX d.o.o. reserves the right to change the content of this site or the products and prices listed on the site at any time and without prior notice. It may also happen that the content is out of date, however, the company D.o.o. does not undertake to regularly update the information contained on this site. We do not guarantee that this website will operate uninterrupted and be timely, secure or error-free. Also, STRIX d.o.o. does not guarantee that defects will be timely or even periodically corrected or that the content is compatible with your computer, hardware or software.

The information, advice and opinions expressed on this website should not be construed as advice for personal, financial or other decisions. You should consult an appropriate expert if you need specific advice tailored to your situation.

STRIX d.o.o. is expressly subject, to the maximum extent permitted by law, to all direct, indirect, legal and other guarantees or obligations, including guarantees of cost-effectiveness and expediency, suitability for specific needs and guarantees in connection with property or intellectual property rights.



This website may contain links or references to websites or resources that do not belong to STRIX d.o.o.. The links contained on the site that lead to third-party sites are displayed solely for convenience to you, thus facilitating access to such websites and STRIX d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for their content. The sole purpose of our links to third-party websites is to make it easier for you to navigate the internet. The statements on the pages to which these links lead are not our statements. We expressly reject the link to the content of third-party websites to which links are provided on our website. First of all, we are not responsible for any violation of legal provisions or violation of the rights of third parties on these sites.

STRIX d.o.o. does not make any binding representations, warranties or obligations in any way regarding the sites or resources of third parties to which it may be referenced, accessed or linked through links. The existence of a link to a website that does not belong to STRIX d.o.o. does not mean that we endorse the content or use of such website or its owner. Therefore, you hereby acknowledge and agree that STRIX d.o.o. is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources and is not responsible for the content, services, products or other materials found or available on those sites or resources. If you decide to access one of the sites to which links from our site are linked, you do so at your own risk.



You may provide hyperlinks to this site only after obtaining written consent from STRIX d.o.o.



The behavior of the user and the person who has access to the online store must be in accordance with all the provisions and in accordance with the moral and ethical behavior of business customs.



These terms of Use and your use of this website are governed by the laws of the Republic of Serbia. The competent court in Belgrade shall have jurisdiction in all disputes arising out of or in connection with, or relating to, these terms of use of the site, as well as your method of its use, i.e. use.
