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NEW YEAR SALE from 25.12.2023 to 07.01.2024 When buying SALMON SUSHI from 1 kg – discount 15% Price: 3.995,00 RSD / 1 kg Sale price: 3.395,00 RSD / 1 kg When buying Coho fillet layer on the skin from 2 kg – discount 15% Price: 3.311,00 RSD / 1 kg Sale price: 2.811,00 […]
1, 2, 3 December- “Merkator” (Belgrade) 8, 9, 10 December – “Merkator” (Novi Sad) 15 December – IDEA LONDON – KRALJA MILANA 28 16 December – IDEA DORČOL – CARA DUŠANA 36-40 17 December – IDEA BLOK 63 – JURIJA GAGARINA 30V 23, 24 December – IDEA SUPER, TRC BIG FASION – VIŠNJIČKA 84 […]
We are glad to offer all participants the long-awaited real fish of fresh soft salting (salmon and salmon): in the network of stores IDEA, IDEA ORGANIC, as well as in hypermarkets MERKATOR and RODA.
Seafood and fish have played an important role in human nutrition since ancient times. Even the ancient Assyrians and Romans grew fish in ponds. For thousands of years, the Chinese have been using their rice fields when they are under water to breed fish.
Salmon is an important part of the human diet because it contains a lot of protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. What else interesting is known about salmon? Here are a few facts.
What is the difference between salmon and trout or pink salmon, how close a relative does salmon have to him? Wait, is there such a fish as salmon at all? Let’s sort out the confusion that has developed around delicious, healthy and such a diverse fish.
His whole life is one long journey, back and forth. After thousands of kilometers, he carries with him the smell of his native stream. Parasites help him, and his brothers from farms kill him. We have collected amazing facts about such seemingly understandable salmon.